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Missing strains and possible collecting sources

Page history last edited by Aurora Nedelcu 12 years, 8 months ago


Missing Volvocacean cultures and possible sources:

(provided by Annette Coleman)


(This is based on the knowledge that at least some of the Volvocaceae are permanent (at least 20 years) residents of particular ponds, and can be reisolated from dried mud from the edges of the ponds where the newly formed zygotes wash up.)


Volvox africanus


V af.  homo, LB1889  dioec. Rocheport, Missouri USA

 V. af LB  1890  male  Darra 4, Queensland, Australia, just SW of Brisbane

V. af LB1891    female  Darra 6 , near Brisbane (see above)

 V.af.  LB 1892  mono,  Ecca  Pass. East Cape Province, S. Africa. On Rd R67, just north of Grahamstown .

 V. af. LB 1893  mono, male 65-26, near Santipura, West Bengal, India. Soil at the bottom  of a dry pond.


Common in vicinity of Manilla in the Phillipines.

Linyati River, Northern border of Botswana, S. Africa.

Peach Creek, College Station, Tx USA


V. pocock 

Vera Cruz County, Mexico.  Highwy 144, km 28, shallow pond,stock hoofprints along edge, not over 1 ft deep and 10-15 ft in diameter. Elevation ca. 2100 ft.  June 13, 1964



V. dissipatrix 

(UTEX 2184)  soil at Nadi, near Santipura, West Bengal, India. Soil at the bottom  of a dry pond.

 (UTEX 1871)   mono.  Marburg, Queensland, Australia. Inland 55km from Brisbane


V. gigas 

  (UTEX 1894-5)  Kimberly, So. Africa


 V. powersii

(UTEX 1863-4)  homo-need wild type. Utica, Nebraska, USA (near Lincoln) temporary  pool in pasture


 V. obversus

(UTEX 1865-6) male & female, temporary pool, Woodlawn  Rd, Lismore, New South Wales, Australia.  Just south of Brisbane


 V. globator 

Bloomington, Indiana


 V. capensis

Cape flats temporary pools (N. of Capetown, S. Africa)

S. Rhodesia, (N’gamo, Old N’gamo RR station pool with water for engines)

Botswana, S. Africa (backwaters and pools of the Linyanti or Chobe River)


 Gonium discoideum 

Waterlily pond near St. Francisville, La, USA


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