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on August 30, 2006 at 10:52:33 am

Volvocales Wikipedia



This project is designed as a common effort among all scientists with interest in Volvocales who wish to share information, images, publications. This site is under construction; we hope that many scientists will join us in this effort.


The main section of this wiki contains a list of volvocalean species (click on Volvoclaes in the SideBar), with information and links to sites pertaining to various aspects of that species (images, systematics, ecology, life-history, sequences, growth conditions, availability, publications). Other sections are indicated in the SideBar.

How to contribute

We count on the involvement of the Volvocales community to make this wiki a powerful and comprehensive database to be used by both researchers (current and newcomers) and teachers as well as the general public. If you would like to contribute to this wiki, please send an e-mail to anedelcu@unb.ca to receive the password that will allow you to directly add and/or change information. A quick guide on how to edit the wiki is provide in the "Help" section. Your contribution will be referenced on the page you contributed to. You can also register to receive e-mails when new information is added to the wiki.

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